The Depot Restaurant

Address: 1208 38th Pl, Seaview, WA
Phone Number: 360.642.7880
Website: http://depotrestaurantdining.com/menu/
More Information:
‘Clamshell Railroad’ Bistro fare with casual fine dining in historic Seaview’s 120 year old depot. Northwest twist! Display kitchen and chef’s table. Regional and international wine list with six microbrews on tap. Covered, heated deck. Wednesday gourmet Burger Nites, October through May. Children’s pastas. Party & reunion planning. “One of the Northwest’s best dinner houses,” Gerry Frank, The Oregonian. “The kind of restaurant you hope to find on vacation,” Frommers. Chef/Owner Lalewicz has “food angels singing in the kitchen”, NW Palate. Celebrated by: Sunset Magazine, Seattle Metropolitan Magazine, Best Places & Best Places to Kiss. People’s Choice Award winner for “Best Service Anywhere” and Restaurant of the Year, Coast Weekend.