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Visit Long Beach Peninsula’s “Take YOUR Time” Campaign Encourages People To Use Their Paid Time Off And Get Out Of Town

LONG BEACH PENINSULA, Wash. – January 23, 2020 – Employees, especially in Washington State, are not using their earned vacation days. Visit Long Beach Peninsula, the destination marketing organization for the southwest corner of Washington State, along with the U.S. Travel Association, would like to see this change.

Visit Long Beach Peninsula’s “Take YOUR Time” Campaign Encourages People To Use Their Paid Time Off And Get Out Of Town

“We launched our Take Your Time campaign to encourage workers to use their paid days off,” said Andi Day, executive director, Long Beach Peninsula Visitors Bureau. “Getting away to relax and recharge is important on so many levels.”

According to the U.S. Travel Association, more than half (55%) of Americans are not using all of their paid time off. In 2018, 768 million vacation days went unused and the time that was taken off from work only a bit more than 50% used for travel.

In another study by Kisi, the mobile technology company, Seattle ranked number four in the “top overworked cities.”

This reluctance to take vacation time exists in contrast to the multiple studies pointing to the health and productivity benefits of taking time away from work – benefits that extend to stronger families and better relationships.

U.S. Travel Association’s State of American Vacation 2018 report asserts that employees spending more of their vacation time traveling may also be more successful when they are in the office. More than half (52%) of mega-travelers reported receiving a promotion in the last two years compared to Americans who use some (44%) or little to none (44%) of their time to travel.

“Washington’s rural areas offer so much to those living and working in Greater Seattle and Portland,” said Day. “Often these areas are more affordable and an easy, scenic drive away.”

The Visit Long Beach Peninsula Take YOUR Time campaign includes public radio promotion, billboard advertising at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, print ads in regional magazines, website and email marketing, as well as social media promotion. It is sponsored by Lodging Tax grants from the Pacific County Tourism Development Fund and the Port of Seattle.

Visit Long Beach Peninsula’s “Take YOUR Time” Campaign Encourages People To Use Their Paid Time Off And Get Out Of Town

For more on the campaign, please access

*State of American Vacation 2018

#  # #NOTE TO MEDIA: Ad Images and high resolution photos available on request. Please email or call her at 360.481.1752.

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