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Sustainability Pledge- Trees in the Forest

Evergreen Coast
Sustainability Pledge

Sustainability Pledge
Willapa National Wildlife Refuge.

Pack out everything I bring in, properly dispose of trash, and recycle when possible. I will not leave behind any waste, including cigarette butts, fishing lines, food scraps, or pet waste.

Prevent pollution by keeping oils, soaps, and chemicals out of rivers, streams, and the ocean. I will avoid single-use plastics and properly dispose of fishing gear.

Adhere to rules regarding razor clam digging, fishing, crabbing, beach driving, and campfires to ensure sustainability and safety for all.

Observe animals from a safe distance and never feed them. I will not disturb nesting birds, seals, or other coastal creatures.

Choose locally owned businesses, respect cultural sites, and engage with the community in a thoughtful and responsible manner.

Drive only in designated areas and respect vehicle-free zones. Avoid disturbing sand dunes, sea grass, and sensitive habitats.

Always clean up and properly dispose of dog waste to prevent pollution and protect wildlife and water quality.

Conserve water and energy, opt for reusable items, and minimize my carbon footprint by carpooling, biking, or walking when possible.

Encourage others to respect and care for the Evergreen Coast by setting a positive example and educating fellow visitors on sustainability.

As a visitor, you play an essential role in keeping it pristine for future generations. By signing this pledge, you commit to responsible and sustainable practices that protect our environment, support local communities, and preserve the natural beauty of the Evergreen Coast.

If you would like a Fill it Forward sticker as a part of this pledge, input your address below.
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