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Two people riding horses on beach shore and rippling waves behind them.

Evergreen Coast
Outdoor Recreation

Incredible trails and endless ways to explore make the Evergreen Coast the perfect destination for adventurous souls!

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Outdoor Recreation
Biking on the Discovery Trail.
Outdoor Recreation
Horseback riding on the beach.

Horseback riding on the beach has been a favorite activity for visitors and locals for decades. There’s just something to riding a horse alongside crashing surf and breathing in fresh, sea air.

Discover two working lighthouses, wander the beach and explore old forts. Enjoy trails for all skill levels. You can get the map here.

Explore one of the most intact historic coastal units in the US! The trails behind the fort are best for intermediate hikers. Check out the map and more info about the park.

Hike from beach to bay at Leadbetter Point. Plan ahead! Some of the trails flood with seasonal rains and water can rise up to your waist.

Try to wrap your arms around giant trees and explore the rain forest. If you’re up for a real adventure, check out the trails on Long Island.

Outdoor Recreation
Cutthroat Climb at Willapa National Wildlife Refuge.

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